Neo-Cowin Development Co. Ltd. is developing the Taiwan real estate exchange market in the virtual world through the blockchain technology which new urban Lofi Town can be formed. Developers in Lofi Town can construct various types of real estate. The aim is to build a virtual real estate Neo 22 NFT on the virtual land NFT as well as to sell the real estate products connecting to the virtual Neo 22 NFT and the physical contract. Taking the promotion of cryptocurrency by real estate agencies as an example, we develop latest business model from paper contracts to smart contracts. In addition, we conduct research on developing the urban planning of the Metaverse to incorporate NFT trading models and game models in order to increase interaction and consumer browse frequency.
* Neo22 NFT擁有者需於過期前有權向開發商購買本項目一個單元的不動產,在有效期限內簽署正式合約及按合約付房屋款,過期無條件放棄購買該房地產商品權利。
* NFT擁有者必須自行保管,因故失竊時發行公司不負任何法律責任。
* 擁有者與開發商簽訂合約同時,Neo22 NFT失效成為紀念性圖像,並停止二手交易。
* 在效期結束時並且未完成簽約者,Neo22 Lofi-lease NFT失效成為紀念性圖像,並停止二手交易。
* Neo22 NFT 擁有者與開發商簽訂合約時,可抵扣12萬房屋銷售金額。
* Neo22 NFT二手交易,每次易手發行者需收取成交金額8%手續費用。
* 獲利需自行繳稅
* NFT資產收益回報以USDC結算